First some facts.
Walk into any Wal Mart or fast food place. Look at who is working and talk to them. There are mainly 3 categories of people who work for minimum pay :
1. Students working for pocket money, or working to help mitigate the cost of college education.
2. Seniors. These fall into two groups. One group needs the extra pocket money to supplement SS. The other group, believe it or not, are seniors bored stiff at home, who want to be around people and help out.
3. School drop outs, who have no skills and do not have the educational qualifications to get a higher paying job.
I am excluding the migrant workers and illegal aliens working the farms, hotel housekeeping, landscaping, and similar jobs. That is a different category and will be addressed in another blog.
Next some definitions.
There is a subtle but distinct and important difference between minimum wage and living wage.
Minimum wages are insufficient to live and support a family on. They are not meant to be that. They are a temporary source of low income which acts as a stepping stone to better and higher paying jobs.
Minimum wage jobs are meant to be, and are, a floor. Liberals, who love to play the class war card, constantly wail about the need to increase minimum wage. They are ignorant of the fact that even if you tripled it, the minimum wage would still not be enough to support a family of 4.
It is important to understand the unintended consequences of raising the minimum wage. Dr. Walter Williams explains :
Dr. Tom Sowell explains how the Davis-Bacon Act came about and why :
Black economists and intellectuals like Sowell and Williams figured it out a long time ago. The Liberal Democrats actually hurt the blacks and minorities they purportedly "care" for.That is why, Sowell and Williams ceased to be Liberal Democrats and "converted" to Conservative.
Blacks in general and the Black Caucus members in Congress in particular, are starting to realize that Obama style redistribution does not work. They have been venting :
Walk into any Wal Mart or fast food place. Look at who is working and talk to them. There are mainly 3 categories of people who work for minimum pay :
1. Students working for pocket money, or working to help mitigate the cost of college education.
2. Seniors. These fall into two groups. One group needs the extra pocket money to supplement SS. The other group, believe it or not, are seniors bored stiff at home, who want to be around people and help out.
3. School drop outs, who have no skills and do not have the educational qualifications to get a higher paying job.
I am excluding the migrant workers and illegal aliens working the farms, hotel housekeeping, landscaping, and similar jobs. That is a different category and will be addressed in another blog.
Next some definitions.
There is a subtle but distinct and important difference between minimum wage and living wage.
Minimum wages are insufficient to live and support a family on. They are not meant to be that. They are a temporary source of low income which acts as a stepping stone to better and higher paying jobs.
Minimum wage jobs are meant to be, and are, a floor. Liberals, who love to play the class war card, constantly wail about the need to increase minimum wage. They are ignorant of the fact that even if you tripled it, the minimum wage would still not be enough to support a family of 4.
It is important to understand the unintended consequences of raising the minimum wage. Dr. Walter Williams explains :
Dr. Tom Sowell explains how the Davis-Bacon Act came about and why :
Black economists and intellectuals like Sowell and Williams figured it out a long time ago. The Liberal Democrats actually hurt the blacks and minorities they purportedly "care" for.That is why, Sowell and Williams ceased to be Liberal Democrats and "converted" to Conservative.
Blacks in general and the Black Caucus members in Congress in particular, are starting to realize that Obama style redistribution does not work. They have been venting :