Let's face it. Crony capitalism is alive and well. The Democrats and the MSM (Main Stream Media) would like you to think that only the "party of the rich", the Republicans, practice crony capitalism. The Democrats, so the story goes, only care for the poor. Well, if you believe that.......
Obama, bought the global warming/climate change hoax hook, line and sinker. Green energy was how he and his green energy czar, Van Jones, were going to "redistribute" the wealth. The "green energy jobs of the future" according to Obama, would be low paying jobs putting up solar panels and wind turbines made in China. It was a significant part of his "stimulus" plan.
Turns out there was more than meets the eye, under the surface. http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/bobbeauprez/2011/09/11/obamas_pet_billionaire_at_solyndra_make_take_white_house_down/page/full/
Then there's the other crony capitalist, Jeff Immelt of GE, who wants to sell Obama his wind turbines. He is Obama's top advisor on jobs. He just shifted whole divisions of GE to China. The X-Ray division and the Plastics division. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2002_June_26/ai_87773802/
Since neither Obama, nor his top economic advisers, all academic theoreticians I might add, have had any business experience, they have no clue that solar and wind cannot make it in the real world, without substantial and prolonged subsidies from the government. "Subsidies" incidentally, are a euphemism for redistribution of our money. Europe in general, and Spain in particular, found out the hard way that "green energy" is too expensive, bankrupts the country, and never lowered the cost of utilities and energy : http://www.thegwpf.org/energy-news/2184-spains-green-bankruptcy-investors-may-desert-after-solar-cuts.html Over in Britain. Same story : http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/feb/06/solar-farms-threaten-green-subsidy
Notwithstanding the evidence that wind and solar as an energy source will never supply more than 5 % of our needs, Obama plans to plough ahead.
Obama, bought the global warming/climate change hoax hook, line and sinker. Green energy was how he and his green energy czar, Van Jones, were going to "redistribute" the wealth. The "green energy jobs of the future" according to Obama, would be low paying jobs putting up solar panels and wind turbines made in China. It was a significant part of his "stimulus" plan.
Turns out there was more than meets the eye, under the surface. http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/bobbeauprez/2011/09/11/obamas_pet_billionaire_at_solyndra_make_take_white_house_down/page/full/
Then there's the other crony capitalist, Jeff Immelt of GE, who wants to sell Obama his wind turbines. He is Obama's top advisor on jobs. He just shifted whole divisions of GE to China. The X-Ray division and the Plastics division. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2002_June_26/ai_87773802/
Since neither Obama, nor his top economic advisers, all academic theoreticians I might add, have had any business experience, they have no clue that solar and wind cannot make it in the real world, without substantial and prolonged subsidies from the government. "Subsidies" incidentally, are a euphemism for redistribution of our money. Europe in general, and Spain in particular, found out the hard way that "green energy" is too expensive, bankrupts the country, and never lowered the cost of utilities and energy : http://www.thegwpf.org/energy-news/2184-spains-green-bankruptcy-investors-may-desert-after-solar-cuts.html Over in Britain. Same story : http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/feb/06/solar-farms-threaten-green-subsidy
Notwithstanding the evidence that wind and solar as an energy source will never supply more than 5 % of our needs, Obama plans to plough ahead.
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