Friday, September 9, 2011

It's the economy stupid

To understand why small business is not hiring :

More info on small business freeze :

What about the big corporations ?  $1 trillion abroad. $2.2 trillion on the books. So what gives ? Read this :

The problem ?

The solution ?   Growth stupid  !!!  Growth gets you revenues for the government. How do you get it ?
1.) Lower corporate taxes down to zero.  Corporations are bricks and mortar. It is the people who run them who pay the "taxes". Raise their taxes and they pass it down to the cunsumer. That is us.
2.)  The tax code is too complex, and has too many loopholes. It is 72,536 pages long. Get rid of the loopholes, and lower the marginal rates.  Widen the base. 47% of Americans pay no Federal tax. They have no skin in the game. Everyone making over FPL (Federal poverty level) should pay a token amount. Even if it is 0.005 % or $30 whichever is lower. Read this :
3.)  It is the over-regulations stupid.
4.)  Kill Obama care. Go for real reform.  Government to care ONLY for the poor and disabled.
5.) Kill Dodd Frank and SarbOx.
6. ) In a capitalist economy if you fail you fail. No more bailouts.  You take the risk, you pay the price.
7.) Government to get out of Education, Amtrak, and Post Office.  All failing and losing money.

That is it for starters.

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